Enabling people to Perform Well

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Mental Health Champions Training package

MHCs have undergone additional skills training to help promote positive mental wellbeing within their environment. This might include:
Support & engage others to talk about mental health & wellbeing
Listen to & be a contact point for people who may be struggling
Signpost to appropriate internal & external support
Help to embed positive changes within the environment
Advocate for mental health & wellbeing
Role model behaviours supportive of positive mental health
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Investing in people, sustaining performance.

What is a Mental Health Champion?

A Mental Health Champion has undergone additional skills training to help promote positive mental wellbeing within their environment.


Training and support package designed to develop a cohort of people within the organisation who are able to enhance the overall awareness and openness about mental health in organisations. The package involves initial training and the ongoing development of participants through reflective group practice within a defined curriculum.



The training has been targeted at people who are likely to be able to use these skills alongside their normal role and you will be supported to think about how this might look for you.

Mental Health Champions training has equipped us with the confidence to talk to and support people better across our organisation.

Support & engage others to talk about mental health & wellbeing

The training will support you with the skills to:

Support & engage others to talk about mental health & wellbeing. 

MHCs have undergone additional skills training to help promote positive mental wellbeing within their environment.


Listen to & be a contact point for people who may be struggling

The training will support you with the skills to:

Listen to & be a contact point for people who may be struggling.

MHCs have undergone additional skills training to help promote positive mental wellbeing within their environment.


Signpost to appropriate internal & external support

The training will support you with the skills to:

Signpost to appropriate internal & external support.

MHCs have undergone additional skills training to help promote positive mental wellbeing within their environment.


Help to embed positive changes within the environment

The training will support you with the skills to:

Help to embed positive changes within the environment.

MHCs have undergone additional skills training to help promote positive mental wellbeing within their environment.


Advocate for mental health & wellbeing

The training will support you with the skills to:

Advocate for mental health & wellbeing. 

MHCs have undergone additional skills training to help promote positive mental wellbeing within their environment.


Role model behaviours supportive of positive mental health

The training will support you with the skills to:

Role model behaviours supportive of positive mental health. 

MHCs have undergone additional skills training to help promote positive mental wellbeing within their environment.


Overall, a really positive experience and I have already seen where techniques can be used on a daily basis, not just in situations relating to mental health, so thank you.


Trusted Statement

Our core clinical and high performance services are provided by highly qualified Practitioner Psychologists, educated to Master’s or Doctoral level, who are registered to practice through the Health and Care Professions Council, and chartered by the British Psychological Society.

We work closely with local authorities to promote the safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults at all times. All our staff are enhanced DBS cleared.

We draw on expertise from within the fields of Clinical, Counselling, Forensic, and Sport and Performance Psychology.

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