Enabling people to Perform Well

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Individual Wellbeing

Unfortunately, we are currently unable to accept referrals for individual wellbeing support from the general public.


Life can at times be challenging, and it is our view that all people experience emotional distress at points in their life, as an understandable and natural response to these challenges.

For many, their distress is often best managed by drawing on their existing coping resources, alongside the practical and emotional support of those people closest to them. However, at times additional psychological support may be required to help individuals and those around them to make sense of and manage some of their experiences, improve their wellbeing, and move forward positively.

In contrast to common misconceptions about psychological health and wellbeing, we believe that all behaviour and experience is understandable in context. Our distress responses are therefore often adaptive (at least initially) to our situation, and not fundamentally driven by something being inherently ‘wrong’ or ‘faulty’ with us.

However, at times we can find ourselves stuck in patterns of thinking and behaviour that have become unhelpful to us or other people and may impact negatively on our daily activities, relationships, and wellbeing.

Our approach aims to help individuals understand and identify some of their unhelpful patterns and effect positive change. In doing so, we believe strongly in the importance of positive psychology and working with an individual’s strengths, including their support network where appropriate, to help them find solutions to their difficulties. We offer a range of psychological support for individuals and families experiencing emotional distress or for those wanting to engage in professional or personal development and growth.

We do not offer emergency mental health support – If you are experiencing a mental health emergency or are in immediate crisis, you should attend your local Accident & Emergency department or call NHS 111. For additional support you can contact the Samaritans on 116 123 or the Papyrus Hopeline on 0800 068 4141.

Alternatively, these websites may have additional information that may be of help:



Common presentations that we work with:

  • Low mood and emotional distress
  • Anxiety
  • The impact of traumatic experiences and abuse
  • Social and relationship difficulties
  • Difficulties with body image, weight, or eating
  • Sexual concerns
  • Difficulties with managing strong emotions such as anger
  • Addictive behaviour including alcohol and substance misuse, gambling, and gaming
  • Difficulties with transitions, loss, and grief
  • Difficulties with obsessive thinking and compulsive behaviour

What We Offer

Psychological assessment
Psychological therapy
Personal development
Professional development
Executive coaching

Psychological assessment and formulation

We offer psychological assessment as the initial access point for our services.

The assessment is undertaken by a highly qualified Practitioner Psychologist, who has a broad understanding of a range of psychological knowledge and interventions. There are many different approaches to psychological therapy and we believe it is important to first develop with our clients a ‘shared understanding’ of their needs and goals, before deciding what approach to intervention may best be suited to them.

The development of a ‘shared understanding’ (or formulation) draws upon your own individual experiences and context, explores factors which may be underpinning or maintaining your difficulties, and identifies your strengths and the supports around you. This understanding is then used to inform the intervention approach which the evidence informs us is most likely to help. This may include individual, couple, or family therapy, but may also include addressing other practical or social factors that may be contributing to your difficulties.

For more information on formulation please follow this link.


Psychological therapy

Psychological therapy is only undertaken after a comprehensive psychological assessment and formulation of needs.

We offer a broad range of evidence-based psychological therapies which include:


Personal development & coaching

We believe strongly in supporting others to develop their potential, and offer executive coaching and personal development support for those who may not be presenting with any particular concern but would like support to explore their own personal growth and development.


Professional development and clinical supervision

We offer professional development advice and clinical supervision for qualified and trainee psychologists and other professionals working in the helping professions.


Executive coaching

We offer 1:1 executive coaching for senior leaders.

Managing, leading, & directing fast paced, high pressured organisations and teams, leaves very little time to press pause and to invest in a space to recalibrate. Pressure can bring threat, and under threat our thinking can become accustomed (at times addicted) to the fast paced, reactive problem solving these roles require. Creating space allows the mind to slow down and our thinking to reconnect, to gain perspective, to see the wood from the trees, and to ultimately make clearer and more informed decisions for ourselves and for our organisations.

We view coaching as a 1:1 relationship where time and space is protected to make sense of your current leadership needs. Subsequently, our intent is for this time to link directly back to you and your team, enhancing your collective ability to PERFORM WELL over a SUSTAINED period.

Through working with one of our highly qualified Applied Psychologists, time will be spent drawing from our work within elite sport and high-performance systems to best support your performance needs.



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Our Framework

Investing in People, Sustaining Performance

The Performing Well framework helps to truly understand people, promoting wellbeing and empowering individuals to develop positive futures.

Explore Performing Well

Trusted Statement

Our core clinical and high performance services are provided by highly qualified Practitioner Psychologists, educated to Master’s or Doctoral level, who are registered to practice through the Health and Care Professions Council, and chartered by the British Psychological Society.

We work closely with local authorities to promote the safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults at all times. All our staff are enhanced DBS cleared.

We draw on expertise from within the fields of Clinical, Counselling, Forensic, and Sport and Performance Psychology.

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