Performing Well adopts a holistic approach to understanding the developmental needs of individuals, teams, and organisations, seeking to both enhance performance and support wellbeing.
Psychological Safety
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Investing in people by choosing to accept, connect and reflect across environments, opportunities and characteristics so that we create a psychologically informed performance system.
The developed shared understanding supports psychological safety, promoting resilience and sustaining performance.
Investing in people is the first principle of Performing Well.
Investing in people is to:
Look after ourselves,
support each other,
and act with integrity
to enhance wellbeing.
Choosing to accept is fundamental to Performing Well.
Those who perform best acknowledge their vulnerability, embrace the mess, and work together to be less messy than the rest! So, we accept.
Choosing to connect is fundamental to Performing Well.
Choosing to connect is fundamental to Performing Well.
Choosing to reflect is fundamental to Performing Well.
Maintaining perspective by stepping back to consider what we are doing, as an individual and within the system, helps us to act more effectively. So, we reflect.
Shared understanding is the key to Performing Well.
Shared understanding is developed using the process of ‘elephant spotting’ to bring meaning and allow a coherent story to be told, prompting coordinated solutions and impactful interventions.
PIPS are the core of Performing Well and vital for growth.
PIPS – Psychologically Informed Performance Systems – are dynamic, continually evolve and develop, need regular reassessment, and enable Performing Well.
Performing Well Environments allow the preparation for high performance.
Environments form the base of the Performing Well triangle and are:
Performing Well Opportunities offer the possibility for high performance.
Opportunities build on the base of the Performing Well triangle and are:
Developmentally appropriate
Historically aware
Sufficient guidance
Allowance for failure
Replicative of performance.
Performing Well Characteristics create the potential for high performance.
Characteristics form the final part of the Performing Well triangle and are:
Sustaining performance is the second principle of Performing Well.
Sustaining performance is to:
Maintain perspective,
focus on the goal,
and build from strengths
to promote resilience.
Developing resilience is pivotal to Performing Well.
Resilience enables individuals, teams, and organisations to achieve consistent, sustainable, developmentally appropriate high performance.
Psychological safety is instrumental to Performing Well.
Psychological safety allows people to feel secure to take risks, make mistakes, and express vulnerability, meaning they can embrace challenge and perform without fear of consequence or failure, building resilience.
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